Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Children's National Medical Center...Thank you!

We had to take our son to the hospital this weekend. I feel fortunate we were able to go to the Children's National Medical Center. You can read about the experience here:
Children's National Medical Center...Thank you!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

World's only fat burning bar!

As I get older, I'm noticing that the work out that used to keep me fit and trim at 26 doesn't seem to work as well at nearly 40. I run about 3 days a week, do an aerobic class 1 or 2 days a week, and a core conditioning class 1 day a week and yet, I still had 10-15 extra pounds. I do watch what I eat, sticking to whole grains and watching out for sugar.

Fortunately I found something to help... a fat burning bar! Yep, that's right, a bar that helps burn fat while working out.

This bar is used by marathon swimmer Tammy Van Wisse who was the "first person to swim the treacherous Bass Strait. She also established record times and wins for swimming Loch Ness, New Zealand’s Cook Strait, the English Channel, Olympic Games Centenary Marathon swim in Greece and Manhattan Island Marathon Swim in New York.

In 2001, Tammy completed her greatest challenge to date by swimming the entire length of the Murray River from the alps to the ocean – a feat no one else in the world has achieved. Starting from Corryong in Victoria’s high country, it took Tammy 106 days to reach the Murray Mouth in South Australia, a distance of 2438 kilometres." And she did it using the Access Bar.

You can learn more about Tammy and the patented Access Bar at Tammy's website.

I can tell you that its helped not just with fat burning but in preventing fatigue while working out as well as soreness the next day. It's a yummy treat or reward for working out. It comes in several great flavors including Double Fudge, Mocha Praline, Peanut Butter, Mint Chocolate and the new Chocolate Caramel Kruncher!

To get your own fat burning bars, you can contact me for details.

Here's to your health!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Confessions of a Work-At-Home Mom: Wanted: Mom - $134,121 per year!

How much is a mom's job worth? Check it out here:

Confessions of a Work-At-Home Mom: Wanted: Mom - $134,121 per year!

Making Fitness Fun

Fitness doesn't have to hurt or be a drudgery. The best way to get fit and stick with a fitness routine is to make it fun. Here are some fun ways to get in shape plus spend time with the family.

1) Play. Join the kids in a game of soccer or basketball. Or play tag.
2) Join a rec league. Many areas now have adult recreation leagues for soccer and softball.
3) Get a dog. Get one big enough that it needs to be walked everyday, twice a day.
4) Go for a hike. Why not bring food (healthy food of course) and add a picnic to the trip.
5) Get inline skates.
6) During the summer, get in the pool with the kids. Treadwater if you don't like to swim laps.
7) Take a dance class.
8) Take karate or other martial arts class.

What did you enjoy doing as a kid? Jumping rope? Skating? Before computers and television, kids played outside. They didn't need to be exercised because they automatically got it just from playing. So can you! Exercise can be fun!


"Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals"

There's a reason I buy non-toxic household and personal care products. I was just reminded of why when I read the back of an all-purpose cleaning label and it said "PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS: HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND ANIMALS"

I have to wonder, who wants to clean their home with something that is a hazard to them? This particular label (Clorox Clean-up) also says, "Use only in well-ventilated areas. Before use, open windows and turn on fan. If vapors bother you, leave room while product is working." First of all, what if its 100 degrees or 10 degrees? I don't want to open my windows in extreme weather. And, if I have to leave the room, how can I clean?

It makes me wonder how many people really read the labels of items they use in their homes. Because, if they did, would they really want to clean their homes with something labeled as a "hazard"?

Why not get better, safer, less expensive items you use everyday AND get paid?