Tuesday, September 19, 2006

And you thought you had trouble getting to the gym!

Women's Health magazine September 2006 issue has an article about Nargis Shearzad who has started the first women-only gym in Kabul! "In a country where it's common for fathers to barter their daughters to pay of debts," Shearzad's father helped fund her venture. And despite continued unrest in the city, she intends to expand to 4 more locations over the next 2 years!

Thing of the real obstacles these women must overcome to workout - ridicule by Taliban supporters, lack of support by traditional husbands and family members, and injury from fighting. And we thought getting of the couch and to the gym was hard!

BTW... you can help support Shearzad's efforts. If you have a stack of old work-out DVD's you don't use, you can send them to Shearzad through:

Toni Maloney, Chairperson
Business Council for Peace
5 East 22nd Street, STE 9J
New York, NY 10010

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Will You Outlive your Children?

Children born in the year 2000 or later are not expected to outlive their parents according Dr. David Katz of the Yale Preventive Medicine Research Center in New Haven, Connecticut. The reason? Poor diet.

That is really scary, but makes sense. Many foods contain additives and preservatives that weren't around when I was a kid. They may be bad for me, but having only eaten them for 20 years is different for my children who, by the time they are my age will have been eating them for a life a time.

But if your children are like mine, it is difficult to change their diet. They are picky eaters and like fast food and other "junk".

Here are some things we have done to improve our children's health and diet:

1) Make sure they have a fruit or vegetable with every meal as these are the best ways to prevent disease and illness.
2) Limit sugar.
3) Check lables and avoid 'high fructose corn syrup'.
4) Choose breads, cereals and pasta made with whole grain.
5) Don't buy any foods with trans fats. (Fortunately, this is getting easier.)
6) Eat meals together.
7) Have them participate in at least one active activity such as soccer, karate, etc.
8) Discuss healthy eating choices.
9) Give them a multi-vitamin.
10) Pack lunch instead of buying at school.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Avoid Deception in Home Based Business Opportunities

Avoid Deception in Home Based Business Opportunities