Friday, May 12, 2006

Making Fitness Fun

Fitness doesn't have to hurt or be a drudgery. The best way to get fit and stick with a fitness routine is to make it fun. Here are some fun ways to get in shape plus spend time with the family.

1) Play. Join the kids in a game of soccer or basketball. Or play tag.
2) Join a rec league. Many areas now have adult recreation leagues for soccer and softball.
3) Get a dog. Get one big enough that it needs to be walked everyday, twice a day.
4) Go for a hike. Why not bring food (healthy food of course) and add a picnic to the trip.
5) Get inline skates.
6) During the summer, get in the pool with the kids. Treadwater if you don't like to swim laps.
7) Take a dance class.
8) Take karate or other martial arts class.

What did you enjoy doing as a kid? Jumping rope? Skating? Before computers and television, kids played outside. They didn't need to be exercised because they automatically got it just from playing. So can you! Exercise can be fun!



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