Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hiding the vegies...why didn't I think of that???

The other day, like many moms, I watched Jessica Seinfeld promote her book, Deceptively Delicious . The book offers recipes that include pureed vegies that can't be detected by kids. It seems too easy, but hallelujah it works! My kids have eaten cauliflower, butternut squash and spinach...without knowing it. My kids are 13 and 10 and given a choice, eat only from three basic food groups: pizza, chicken nuggets, macs and cheese. When I force vegies on them, I can only get them to eat a few baby carrots or yellow squash...maybe.

Since getting the book, I made chocolate granola bars with spinach (its the blueberry bars in the book, but I used chocolate), added squash to macs and cheese, and tonight included cauliflower and sweet potato in homemade chicken and rice soup. And they ate it and liked it! Better yet, I didn't have to bug them about eating their vegies.

I do include regular vegies as a side and make them eat them. But I don't have to worry about the one bite they take because I know they are getting other vegies covertly.

The planning and having ready-made puree is a hassle. I don't like planning or hassles, but I'm hopeful that I can keep this up so I can know that my kids are getting some extra nutrients they weren't getting before.

I also see another book... The Sneaky Chef by Missy Chase Lapine that has the same strategy. I may get that as well. It never hurts to have more recipes!


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