Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Being Green At Christmas

Christmas is a season of excess and not very good on the environment. But there are ways to enjoy the yule tide with out overdoing your "footprint".

1) Buy a live tree and then plant it in your yard when Christmas is over. Not only will you save tree, but you'll improve the environment (trees are the earth's lungs) and have a wonderful reminder of the holiday for years to come. If you do cut down a tree, take it to a tree-cycler center that can turn the tree into chips and mulch.

2) Use low energy Christmas lights to decorate your home and tree. Did you know that your Christmas lights may be costing you an additional $100 on your energy bill! That is according to Christmas Lights and Decorations. Get LED lights and light bulbs to save on your pocket book and the environment. Apparently they are safer too.

3) Don't light up 24/7. Still on the topic Christmas lights, turn your lights on only when you're home and for just a few hours a day. Turn them off when you leaven your home and when you go to bed.

4) Reuse Christmas paper, ribbons and cards. Regifting is considered a no-no, but its okay to reuse old wrapping paper, ribbons and cards. Christmas cards can be used as postcards, gift tags, or decoration.

5) Be creative. Instead of wrapping paper, use an environmentally beneficial alternative such as the comics, old posters or wallpaper scraps. Or create a package such as using a gift basket, or put kitchen items in a dish towel or oven mitt, or jewelery in a jewelery box.

6) Choose recycled items. If you are going to buy Christmas cards and paper, choose recycled ones.

7) Don't use throw away plates, napkins and spoons for your holiday parties. Or if you do, choose biodegrable products made from recycled content.

8) Keep the car tuned up and tire pressure normal to have a safe and energy effecient trip to visit family.



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