Leaders are Readers
Talk to someone who is living the life you'd like to live, and odds are they are an avid reader of non-fiction business and improvement books. Reading books is important for several reasons; they offer new ideas, inspire action, and teach new ways of doing things.
How Much and When to Read:
Most success experts prescribe 15 minutes of reading every day. That's it. You can read while waiting for the bus or at the doctors office. You can read before you get out of bed or before you go to sleep.
What to Read:
That is really up to you. However, if your goal is to improve your finances and achieve abundance in your life, you should read books that cover everything from managing money, increasing motivation, improving your interpersonal skills, and books that are specific to how you will acheive those things whether its through a home business or real estate investing or something else.
How to Read:
While the act of reading is important, you should read with the intention of having it change you in some way whether its learning a new marketing technique or investment strategy. I suggest keeping a note book so you can jot down important ideas you want to remember. I also use Post-It ™ sticky tabs to mark pages I want to revisit because they have a great idea or a website I want to check out.
While I spend a fortune on books, you can easily find books at your local library that you can check out and read for free. You can often rent them on audio cassette or CD so you can listen during your commute to work.
My book recommendations:
Write It Down Make It Happen: Knowing What You Want And Getting It by Henriette Klauser
The Success Principles by Jack Canfield (this is one of Leslie's favorite books!!)
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living Your Dreams by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hanson
Attitude is Everything – Keith Harrell (Another must read!)
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway -- by Susan
No Opportunity Wasted by Phil Keoghan
Starting from "No": 10 Strategies to Overcome Your Fear of Rejection and Succeed in Business by Azriela L. Jaffe, Pam Lontos
Get Clients Now: A 28 Day Program – C.J. Hayden
Permission Marketing by Seth Godin
Guerilla PR Wired – Michael Levine
Elements of Copywriting by Robert Bly
Ultimate Guide To Google AdWords by Perry Marshall and Bryan Todd
If You Lead, They will Follow – Patrick Higgins
The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader: Becoming the Person Others Will Want to Follow by John C. Maxwell
Developing the Leader Within You Workbook by John C. Maxwell
Ready for Anything - David Allen (offers 52 short tips for improving productivity and saving time)
Getting Things Done – David Allen
Organize from the Inside Out – Julie Morgenstern
Financial Advice
Start Late, Finish Rich by Davic Bach -
The Finish Rich Workbook – David Bach
All Your Worth by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi
Making the Most of Your Money – Jane Bryant Quinn
The Millionaire Maker: Act, Think, and Make Money the Way the Wealthy Do by Loral Langemeier
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